La primer revista en línea Financiera y de Negocios.

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En Hato Rey, San Juan 00918 es donde se encuentra ubicado el corazón del Centro Financiero, de la Banca, las Hipotecas, la Bolsa, las Inversiones, el Corretaje de los Bienes Raíces, Filatelia y Numismática los Colecciónales, al igual que todo tipo de Profesionales Abogados, Contadores, Head Hunters y Asesores altamente especializados se encuentran en esta brillante Milla de Oro. 
"Banco Santander Puerto Rico Revolutionizes Internet Access. San Juan, Puerto Rico - Banco Santander Puerto Rico (BSPR) is pleased to announce the launching of the SantanderChannel, unlimited Internet Access at 50% the cost of other Internet Access available in Puerto Rico. Banco Santander Puerto Rico offers an alternative to its clients via ICENetworks.com, Inc. and through ICEChannel, the proprietary software of ICENetworks.com for an incredible price of $6.95 a month. BSPR clients can benefit from this low rate, as well as, a direct debit from their checking, savings or VISA / Mastercard BSPR account. Don't have a BSPR account? No problem, you can also benefit from this offer for the low price of $8.95 monthly charged directly to your VISA or Mastercard! Together with the SantanderChannel, users also receive a FREE e-mail account and 24 hours Help Desk Service. This is now reality, we are now live!" 

Foto de izq. Nelson Miranda, Vice President Electronic Banking, Gabriel Cuyar, Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs, ICENetworks.com, Inc., Michael Chavez, Webmaster BSPR at the billboard launch in front of Santander building in Hato Rey. Foto de der. El Ing. Ben Casado, Chairman ICENetworks.com, Inc. conversa en un aparte durante el lanzamiento del Santander Channel con altos oficiales del Banco Santander Puerto Rico D. José González de Castejón, Executive Vice President & CFO y Nelson Miranda, Vice President Electronic Banking. |